
Project Worksheet

Project N.º | POCI-02-0752-FEDER-001339

SI Internacionalização das PME

Beneficiary entity | OVARGADO – Sociedade Comercial e Industrial de alimentos para animais, S.A.

Assignment of the Project | Conquering an active presence in the global market, by offering premium products for the PETFOOD segment, betting on dynamic factors of competitiveness and innotative business models to promote exports, in order to ensure faster, efficient and effective in the international context.

Main purpose | Strenhthening the competitiviness of small and medium-sized enterprises

Intervention region | Central – Territorial Unit of Baixo Vouga – Ovar

Approval date | 02-09-2015

Start date | 25-05-2015

Completion date | 24-05-2018

Total eligible cost | 350.153,63 EUR

Financial support from the European Union | FEDER – 157.569,13 EUR

Target, activities and results | Main objectives of the Investment Project:

The investment project sets out a strategy to increase the capacity of an existing establishment to manufacture innovative products for the global market, namely food products for the PETFOOD segment, which will contribute, on the one hand, to the increase in value added value of the products, but also in increasing national competitiveness in the global market, betting on dynamic factors of competitiveness and innovative business models to promote exports, in order to ensure rapid, effecient and effective international context.

In this context, a set of investment options were defined that fit within the OVG’s mission, vision and strategy, as well as in the fulfilment of the strategic objectives outlined by the management of the company also in line with the SWOT analysis and what better results are presented in the enhancement of competitive advantages and critical success factors identified in the business.

