Entries by Administrador

PET FESTIVAL 2018, Portugal

A internutri esteve presente na Fil  Pet Festival – FIL em Lisboa. Uma feira dedicada aos animais de estimação que decorrei de 2 a 4 de Fevereiro de 2018.

EXPOZOO 2018, France

EXPOZOO took place in Paris, between the 12th and the 14th of January and  and was attended by Internutri. Another important presence in international fairs.

European Union Directory 2017

The 2017 editon of the European Union Directory is exclusively dedicated to the Portuguese Quality System. Assuming itself as a reference company in the quality field, Ovargado, S.A. is on the list of companies focused on this publication.

M.A.D.E. 2017, França

In 2017 Ovargado continued to attend the main international fairs, this time in Paris, at MADE – Marques Associées Distribution Event (previous M.D.D. Expo), on the 28th and  29th of March.

FIHAV 2016, Cuba

No âmbito do projeto de investimento n.º 1339 ao Portugal 2020 – SI Internacionalização PME, a Ovargado, S.A. participou, com stand, na FIHAV 2016 que ocorreu em Cuba. Assim, realçamos que o investimento mencionado foi co-financiado pelo Portugal 2020, no âmbito do Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização, com fundos provenientes do Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento […]

Project Worksheet

Project N.º | POCI-02-0752-FEDER-001339 SI Internacionalização das PME Beneficiary entity | OVARGADO – Sociedade Comercial e Industrial de alimentos para animais, S.A. Assignment of the Project | Conquering an active presence in the global market, by offering premium products for the PETFOOD segment, betting on dynamic factors of competitiveness and innotative business models to promote exports, in […]